9th English Letter to your mother who is worried about your health

Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City)
March 20, 2018.
Dear Mother,
     Though our relationship is a perennial bond of intimate relation yet whenever I get any good news from you, my joy knows no bounds. It gives me a heart-winning fragrance. I received your letter yesterday. I am glad to know that you are fine.
     Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. I was running a temperature due to bad throat. But it was a temporary ailment. I remained ill for two days. But the medicines prescribed by the hostel physician have made me fully recovered. It is just weakness followed by the disease.
     Moreover, I am taking good care of my sleep, diet and exercise. I have changed my daily routine according to the proverbial saying: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” I have started attending my classes regularly. I hope that after these assurances you will stop worrying about me.
Pay my regards to all at home.
Yours affectionately,

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