9th English Letter to your Friend to spend his/her holidays with you

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
20 June, 2018  
My Dear Friend,
For a long time we did not correspond with each other. I hope you are in good health and by the grace of Almighty God I am also hale and hearty here.
I am especially writing this letter to you for a particular purpose. My parents have planned to visit some historical places in Sindh. In middle of this month. I am ware of the fact that your school has closed down for summer vacations so how about visiting us in Karachi and accompanying me with my parents on all excursion. We shall have a topping time visiting places in Sindh and going out for shooting birds.
I hope you will like my suggestion and let me know of your programme by return of mail.
Allow me to close my letter here with good wishes and good luck to you.
                                                                                                                                      Your loving friend,

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