9th English Letter to uncle Thanking him for the Birthday Present

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
16 Dec, 2018.
My Dear Uncle,
I received your telegram full of blessings and a parcel delivered to me by a postman containing a beautiful Omega watch.
Your present reminds me of your deep affection that you have in your heart for me. I liked the watch you has sent for me. I really needed a watch this time. How nice of you that you have fulfilled my need. I shall consider it a precious thing like a diamond. It will also make me punctual.
Uncle I missed you very much in the happy occasion of my birthday. I have taken many photographs and will send some of the prints to you.
My letter is getting long. Allow me to close my letter here.
With regards and good wishes to you.
                                                                                                                                   Yours affectionately,

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